Exploring Strategies for Scaling Digital Transformation Business Models Innovation at the Enterprise Level for Sustainable Competitive Growth


Digital transformation, digital transformation strategy, business model innovation, sustainability, competitive, growth.

How to Cite

Noah, L. J., Burchell, J., & Corcoran, T. (2024). Exploring Strategies for Scaling Digital Transformation Business Models Innovation at the Enterprise Level for Sustainable Competitive Growth. Business Management Research and Applications: A Cross-Disciplinary Journal, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.54093/bmra.v3i2.8075


Digital transformation strategy (DTS) is a powerful concept that can be utilized throughout the digital transformation business model innovation of a construction industry business. The purpose of this pragmatic qualitative inquiry is to explore strategies construction industry business leaders adopt to scale innovative digital transformation business models for gaining sustainable competitive growth in the construction industry. Qualitative interviews (n = 10) were conducted with construction industry business leaders representing early and recent adopters of digital transformation of business model innovation practices. Interview data were analyzed by examining how digital transformation strategy is applied to scaling digital transformation business models in the Australian construction industry at the enterprise level to gain sustainable competitive growth. The results revealed that digital transformation strategy is widely mentioned among construction industry business leaders; Australian construction industry business leader's perceptions of digital strategy are relatively positive; there are distinctive views on the challenges and opportunities of utilizing digital transformation strategy while applying innovative digital business model; application of digital transformation strategy to scaling innovative digital business model to process, people and technology, and organizational excellence, performance, and growth are the most common prospects; and uncertainty, readiness, data management, and lack of capabilities are the most common digital transformation strategy to business model innovation challenges. The findings of this study may help construction industry business leaders understand the positive impact of utilizing digital transformation to business model innovation while applying digital transformation to business model innovation for gaining sustainable competitive organizational growth. 

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